Recent News

Instructional Technology Updates

October 4, 2022
Categories: Canvas, google

Canvas Course Template Did you know that there is a Canvas course template available for you to download? The template […]

Welcome Back! Fall Semester Canvas Reminders and Updates

August 12, 2022
Categories: Canvas, discussions

Canvas Quick Guides Welcome back to UNCG for Fall semester 2022! As a reminder, here are some quick links to […]

Canvas: Spring Semester Reminders

January 11, 2022
Categories: attendance, Canvas, quizzes

Welcome back and I hope you all have a great semester. As we find ourselves in yet another pandemic-impacted semester, […]

IMPORTANT: Canvas Users, Please Read

November 10, 2021
Categories: Canvas, quizzes

Important: If you use quizzes in Canvas, please read this entire message because big changes are coming. Winter and Spring […]

Welcome Back! Fall Semester Updates

August 10, 2021
Categories: attendance, Canvas, requirements

Canvas Course Template I have created a Canvas Course Template and uploaded it to Canvas Commons. Instructors can import this […]

Zoom Recordings

January 19, 2021
Categories: Canvas, panopto, zoom

Near the end of Fall semester, ITS announced that our server storage space for Zoom recordings was almost full. We […]

Incompletes and Canvas

December 8, 2020
Categories: Canvas, incomplete

Many instructors are faced with having to give some students an Incomplete in their courses. If you find yourself in […]

Updates: Canvas and Zoom

November 24, 2020
Categories: Canvas, workshops, zoom

Canvas Course Shells Spring and summer 2021 course shells are now available in Canvas. If you don’t see your courses […]

Attendance Reports in Zoom

August 13, 2020
Categories: Canvas, zoom

Did you know that you can run attendance reports for your Zoom meetings, whether scheduled through Canvas or through […]

Canvas: Rich Content Editor Updated

May 18, 2020
Categories: Canvas, RCE

The rich content editor (RCE) is used to add and format content in Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes, and Pages. The […]

